Wednesday, May 14, 2008


On Friday, 9th May we arrived in Chennai. The ministry has been exciting. On Sunday, 11th I preached in the morning at Full Gospel Tabernacle, an outreach from FGT in Malaysia. This work has been going for only one month and it was a privilege to minister to this new congregation and encourage the pastor, Francis, and his wife, Kala. Kala & Francis

New congregation of FGT

On the Sunday evening I preached at the English language service of Harvest Christian Assembly. Very few people are aware that India has the largest English speaking population in the world, 355 million - more
than the USA.

From Monday to Friday I am teaching in the Harvest Training Institute on the topics of Spiritual Gifts and the Early Church. The potential in this school is great. HTI is part of the ministry of Harvest Apostolic Ministries which has already planted 39 churches in Bihar and 16 churches in Andhra (two of the most unreached states of India), besides the six churches they have in Chennai itself. We count it a real privilege to work along with pastor Kumar and his wife Jessie who head up this ministry.



On Tuesday evening I preached the gospel at the Miracle Rally of Harvest Christian Assembly. 80% of those present were non-Christians, seeking Jesus for miracles in their lives.

Thank you to all those who pray and give to make our ministry to these people possible.

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