Sunday, February 12, 2012



First of all, we apologise to all those who pray for us for not having written for such a long time. We just seem to be getting busier and busier, or maybe we are getting slower and slower.

The last newsletter contained a prayer request for certain political situations in Malaysia. These things are still ongoing, so we would value your continued prayers.

The past few months have been very hectic. From September to November, 2011 we were in the USA ministering in several churches, many of which are involved with us in missions, or will be in the future. We also made a very profitable visit to Venezuela. The political situation there is fraught with difficulties, but the churches are making great strides. We had the privilege of training some of the present and future leaders.

We arrived back in Malaysia in January and have already been involved in teaching in Tung Ling Seminary in the Pastoral Interns Programme, with students who are either already involved in pastoral ministry or are preparing to be in the future.

Since we arrived it was the Chinese New Year celebration. The custom is to go to people’s homes for “open house” which involves eating a lot of Chinese food. We went to open houses every day for five days. As this followed closely on the heels of our Christmas time at home we now have the task of shedding a few additional pounds – not easy when we are both advancing in years (68 and 63).

Last week we were in Singapore where Colin taught in the Tung Ling Bible College School of Ministry to seventy students hungry for the word of God. The future of God’s church in this city state is assured.

The next couple of months is going to be extremely busy. It looks something like this:

Saturday, 11 February: Teaching seminars at Asia Pacific Seminary in KL.

Sunday, 12 February: Preaching in Penang at the 80th birthday celebration of our dear friend Dr Joy Seevaratnam.

20 – 24 February: Teaching pastors’ seminars in Cambodia. It will be great to renew fellowship with these excellent church planters.

10 – 11 March: Ministry in Full Gospel Tabernacle in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, on the island of Borneo.

26 – 30 March: Teaching in the School of Ministry in Tung Ling Seminary, Malaysia.

9-13 April: Teaching in the School of Ministry in Tung Ling Bible School, Manila, Philippines.

20 – 30 April: Visit to Melbourne, Australia for ministry and to establish links for future missions. One of the churches consists of Tongan and Samoan believers and another has outreach to these nations.

Besides the above schedule, we will be involved in ministry in local churches every Sunday and on other occasions. Please pray that our ministry will be made effective by the power of the Holy Spirit. Pray also for continued health and strength and for all our travel arrangements. One specific need is for the provision of a car for us to drive when we are here in Malaysia as this greatly facilitates our service for the Lord.


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