Monday, January 28, 2008

Well, here we go again.

After June 8th Julia and I will be leaving the pastorate of the church in Aberaman, South Wales, to go back into full time missions. Our ministry will be itinerant to Asia, Latin America and Africa.

Watch this space for further details.


Dave Skinner said...

WOW! Great News! Maria and I will do all we can to help. We love you guys. We value your friendship and respect your ministry. So many ministers have come and gone (in scandal or apathy) over the years but you guys have been steady on the plow without looking back all these many years. Dave and Maria Skinner

Mary & Dan Melcer said...

Hi Colin and Julia, WE are very excited about your missions adventures at this time of life. It is going to be greater than ever before. I see doors opening and finances coming from places you do not even know about yet.
Dan and I will be glad to support you too. We love you guys a lot. Look forward to seeing you this year and hope you will visit our church at Weimar. Equippers Outreach Church with pastor Jerry Adkins. Keep up the good work. Love, Mary and Dan Melcer