Sunday, June 08, 2008

We had a wonderful farewell weekend at Aberaman Pentecostal Church. On Saturday Rae Galloway from Cardiff preached at the afternoon service. This was followed by a humorous audio-visual presentation entitled "mockumentary", and a wonderful meal. On Saturday evening many friends from local churches came along to hear Rae preach and give us a good send off.

On Sunday morning the church gave tributes via Arthur, who leads the Tuesday prayer meeting, Ian, who leads the youth ministry, Kath who heads up evangelism, and Phil, one of the elders. They presented us flowers, a digital photo frame, and a cheque to help us on our way. Rae preached in both Sunday services. Sunday evening was our final service - the end of a wonderful five years of ministry and fellowship. It was not easy to say goodbye to such a wonderful bunch of people.

The next few weeks will be spent visiting churches in the UK to raise financial support. If you feel the Lord is prompting you to support us please contact us by email:

Please pray for us.